Communication networks and information systems are essential factors in the development of the economy and society. Secure networks are increasingly becoming as indispensable as electricity or water supply to make the Digital Economy function.
Therefore, the security of communication networks and information systems is of escalating concern for society. This stems from the complexity of information systems, accidents, mistakes and attacks to the physical infrastructures which deliver critical services to the EU citizens.
Europe’s Information Society – the future at risk?
The growing number of security breaches has already generated substantial financial damage and has undermined user confidence. At the same time, the Information Society is becoming indispensable in all areas of life. Individuals, EU-institutions, public administrations in the Member States and businesses have deployed security technologies, security management procedures, information campaigns and research projects, to enhance network and information security. The technical complexity of networks and information systems, the variety of interconnected products and services, and the huge number of private and public players that bear their own responsibility, is risking to undermine the smooth functioning of the Internal Market. The modernised Information Society of Europe and its business, based upon a Digital Economy is thus, potentially, jeopardized.
Centre of Expertise
In this context, the Agency's activities consist of giving advice and recommendations, data analysis, as well as supporting awareness raising and cooperation by the EU bodies and Member States. Building on national and Community efforts, the Agency is a Centre of Expertise in this field. ENISA uses its expertise to stimulate cooperation between actions from the public and private sectors.
Among other things, the Agency provides assistance to the Commission and Member States in their dialogue with industry to address security-related problems in the hardware and software products. The Agency also follows the development of standards, promotes risk assessment activities by the Member States and interoperable risk management routines and produces studies on these issues within public and private sector organisations.
Timeline of ENISA - Key dates:
2001 - 2003:
31 May 2001 | EU Presidency Spring Working Group of ENISA, brainstorm with NIS experts in Waxholm resulting inCouncil Resolution 31 May: eAction Plan: Information and Network Security |
6 June 2001 | Communication (COM(2001)) 298 final |
28 January 2002 | Council Resolution on a common approach and specific actions in the area of Network and Information Security |
February 2003 | Commission Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council Establishing the European Network and Information Security Agency (COM/2003/63 final) |
10 March 2004 | The ENISA Regulation 2004/460 is adopted |
6 October 2004 | The Executive Director is nominated by the Management Board and is making a statement and replying to questions before the European Parliament |
March 2005 | Decision by the ED/Management Board to move ENISA to Crete |
1 April 2005 | Signing of Seat Agreement in Crete |
1 May 2005 | ENISA receives financial independence and has all financial controls and regulations in place |
1 September 2005 | Starting operations starting in Heraklion, Crete with a first wave of new recruits from EU wide competitions |
21 February 2006 | Executive Director is presenting the Work Programme of ENISA before the European Parliament ITRE Committee |
13 April 2006 | Visit of Commissioner Viviane Reding in Crete |
2 May 2006 | The European Court of Justice confirms the legal basis of ENISA (i.e. article 95 for establishing the agency of ENISA, as was done in the regulation) |
12 May 2006 | ENISA Changing domain name |
31 May 2006 | Communication Strategy of the Commission on Information Security envisages an increased role for ENISA in the field of data collection to handle security incidents and measured levels of consumer confidence from all over Europe by developing a trusted partnership with Member States and stakeholders. And to examine the feasibility of a multilingual information sharing and alert system. |
2 June 2006 | Permanent Stakeholders Group Vision for ENISA and future risk and threats analysis is presented as an input for the ED and Management Board |
16 June 2006 | First informal Management Board – Permanent Stakeholders Group workshop meeting |